We have to reject your order

  • I can't buy any more servers on Netcup. I currently have 4 servers. I ordered 4 more servers. My goal is to change the servers I have in other datacenters. Over the course of the month I will have to buy at least 20 servers.

    Now I can't buy any more servers. I'm worried if this will cause problems for the servers that are already active. Two invoices have already been paid. I have already sent a message to Netcup. Has anyone else had this type of problem?

    "thank you for your order. Our verification provider has rejected your proofs. As we do not have access to your stored data because of data protection reasons, we have to reject your order. Thank you for your understanding."

    The other servers I paid with Paypal. But in the validation I verified that it was Stripe that carried out the validation.

  • I understand, I would like to know if anyone else has had this experience and what happened.

    Worrying because I already have clients running on the servers.

    As the verification did not pass, even after having already purchased 4 servers that are working very well, my concern is that it will affect something on the servers that are already configured and with clients.

    Thanks for the answer. I already sent a message to them. I just wanted to know if anyone else has faced this kind of thing.

  • The reason to reject is very dubious. As we do not have access to your stored data. So basically, if you wish to purchase more, you need to make your stored data public.

    Either they wish for you to switch to reseller, which itself is wrong and forcefully, else they are just acting out of line.

    The reason given is absurd and makes no sense.

    If you get any update on it, do post here. I too am hoping on getting more servers in the near future, but if their sentences are such then it makes one wonder...

  • "thank you for your order. Our verification provider has rejected your proofs. As we do not have access to your stored data because of data protection reasons, we have to reject your order. Thank you for your understanding."

    Let‘s not jump to conclusions and wait for the support‘s response before raising any suspicions: Maybe it‘s just an unlucky translation, and netcup is only requesting access to some data proving your identity, which is currently unavailable to them due to a segregation of the verification provider - which is good data privacy practice.

    Some feedback about their response would be appreciated!

  • In that case their response at the very beginning should not be dubious. Transperancy since start and precise responses are but the least expectation.

    I have seen this kind of response from O.V.H. as well. They took 5 emails over 3 weeks to respond properly.

  • I don't think this issue of identity verification is negative. Many people hire servers to do SPAM or mine Bitcoin, etc., practices that most data centers do not accept. I was only scared because it asked for identity verification, I sent my ID and apparently it was denied.

    The strange thing is that when this happened there were already 4 servers working perfectly, without any problems so far. I also believe that it is strange to hire several servers in a short space of time, but it is normal for a person who is migrating from a data center. I have such critical problems in another datacenter that I didn't even wait for the promotion on the 25th to hire the servers. I contracted the standard price and configuration due to urgency.

    I haven't received a response yet, but they are on schedule to respond. Today I saw that one of the servers I made the request for yesterday was added to the account. I requested 2 more servers today, I hope everything goes well =D

    My goal was to find out if anyone else has faced this type of incident. But I've already asked Netcup support for help and I'm waiting.

    Thank you everyone for the responses.

  • The two I requested today denied the request. Yesterday they denied 3 requests and then 1 server appeared on the account. Strange to say the least. I will wait for feedback from support during business hours.

  • I had the same issue today when trying to purchase a VPS as a first-time buyer. My ID was rejected by their provider within 12 hours which cancelled my order, so I reached out and hopefully they can work out a way for me to re-verify.

  • I had the same issue today when trying to purchase a VPS as a first-time buyer. My ID was rejected by their provider within 12 hours which cancelled my order, so I reached out and hopefully they can work out a way for me to re-verify.

    Here it worked.

    I ended up buying everything I was looking for.

  • I had the same issue today when trying to purchase a VPS as a first-time buyer. My ID was rejected by their provider within 12 hours which cancelled my order, so I reached out and hopefully they can work out a way for me to re-verify.

    Same here, did you get any message from support?

  • I have a similar issue.
    I've ordered a VPS, got a link to identity verification, used it and provided a photo of my international passport, got access to CCP, filled it with private data, connected payment card, accepted agreement and created an AV contract.

    But then nothing happened for several days.

    Then I asked the support how to get access to invoice and pay the order and start using the VPS.

    They answered:


    Our verification provider has rejected your proofs. As we do not have access to your stored data because of data protection reasons, we have to reject your order.

    I'm confused. They just rejected my order and didn't even try to fix a mistake and do some check on the Stripe side.

    So, I've connected to Stripe support, who is a verification provider. I've provided all information I have and next day they answered:


    Unfortunately, we would not be able to check that for you as we would need access to the merchant's account. Because of that, we would need the merchant is question to reach out to us directly while logged into their own account.

    Looks like the circle is closed.

    I've never had identity verification rejected before. I've been using other popular German dedicated server provider for years and have approved my identity in many services.

    In current case I see netcup is not interested to have new clients. It's ok for them to reject my order and they don't want to even check mistaken rejection of Stripe.

    Moreover I as a developer used Stripe as a merchant integrating it to some web services and all verification have been approved before. So, I'm sure this mistaken rejection can be easily fixed.

    I asked netcup to reinitialize identity verification, but looks like they just ignore me, because no answers for days.

    Maybe somebody knows what should I do in this situation. Thanks.

  • I asked netcup to reinitialize identity verification, but looks like they just ignore me, because no answers for days.

    Maybe somebody knows what should I do in this situation. Thanks.

    All you can do is to keep retrying (next time you contact/reach Netcup support, forward them the cited Stripe response) and to wait patiently – both the "Black Friday" and "Christmas calendar" sales campaigns mark the busiest time of the year for mass-hosters like Netcup.

    I know it doesn't help you much in this situation, but as a rule of thumb, if possible, I always make sure to go through the identity verification process of the respective service provider well before placing an order.

    VServer IOPS Comparison Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w38zM0Bwbd4VdDCQoi1buo2I-zpwg8e0wVzFGSPh3iE

  • Do you have a anonymous E-Mail or something like that?

    I think it could be a "general" answer because they look for account spam or something else.

    What if you were some person who uses other people's data to activate many servers..

    I think that could be the thing..

    I ordered 3 Servers and a Webhosting and all got activated directly.

  • My email is also ~10 years old I don't think that's the issue. Are you EU/US citizen? Because I'm from Turkey and only thing that comes to my mind that would create a verification error is Stripe cannot verify Turkish Id Card. It's a shame to miss the deals because of something like this tbh. I hope the customer support helps...

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