root server RS 1000 G11 password problem

  • As far as I have researched, even if we add the key, we cannot activate this process without logging into ssh, I cannot enter ssh, I write to support, support is already not responding, I don't know what to do

    I'm about to go crazy, what kind of company have we found?

  • I'm about to go crazy, what kind of company have we found?

    Are you aware that (1.) netcup holds no responsibilty for supporting the OS on your root server and (2.) Christmas is one of the most important holy days / holidays in the Christian world with only skeleton staffing at most companies - if any?

  • Are you aware that (1.) netcup holds no responsibilty for supporting the OS on your root server and (2.) Christmas is one of the most important holy days / holidays in the Christian world with only skeleton staffing at most companies - if any?

    I just want to enter ssh since the 20th of the month I don't want support, I just want to enter ssh The number of staff may be low, but employees have not responded since the 20th of the month.

  • I just want to enter ssh since the 20th of the month I don't want support, I just want to enter ssh

    ... and configuring ssh on a root server is completely in your responsibility. Just as a friendly heads-up, I wouldn't expect netcup to solve your issue, which is not their obligation.

  • Here we go again. The linux basics are completely missing, but you think it's a good idea to just rent a server that's open to the internet.

    Sorry, not to pick on you, but why not just practise with a VM first?

    Firstly, if you have a ppk key file, you've already done something wrong.

    You need a private key and a .pub key.

    Just follow these instructions:

    then enter the .pub key on your server via SCP (look at fvbor's post)

    and then simply try to connect via terminal:

    ssh -i c:\user\...\your private key (not the .pub) root@IPADRESS

    and ps:

    are you sure that the password did not work? Linux has no ECHO for the password (so the cursor does not move. No *****)

  • The Netcup support will usually not support your problem, because Netcup is "only" deploying the virtual machine (runtime environment) and is not responsible for anything what you are doing in it.

    And "cannot login via ssh" is OS-based and not the responsibility ist on your side.

    Also another user in this thread tried to reproduce your problem....but it worked.

    It should be a misconfiguration on your side or you are doing it still wrong... :/

  • As far as I have researched, even if we add the key, we cannot activate this process without logging into ssh, I cannot enter ssh, I write to support, support is already not responding, I don't know what to do

    Have you seen what I've been writing and done that already?

    Firstly, if you have a ppk key file, you've already done something wrong.

    That's fine, it will provide you with an OpenSSL pubkey format to copy. OP decided to use PuTTY and that's the way of getting a keys.

    However he uses the file in the wrong setting of PuTTY.