Hallo zusammen,
ich versuche gerade neos 2.0 im Netcup Web Expert M zu installieren.
Bin bisher folgendermaßen vorgegangen:
1. Im WCP ein Hosting angelegt
2. Den Dokumentenstamm im WCP auf neos.bamoo.de/Web gesetzt
3. Neos in neos.bamoo.de entpackt
4. Auf Setup message gegangen. Hier zeigt er mir folgendes an:
QuoteEnvironment requirements not fulfilled
The specified path to your PHP binary (see Configuration/Settings.yaml) is incorrect. (More information)
4. Die settings.yaml folgendermaßen angepasst:
QuoteDisplay More
# #
# Example Settings #
# #
# This file contains settings for various parts of the application. #
# Copy this file to Settings.yaml, and adjust as necessary. #
# #
# Please refer to the default settings file(s) or the manuals for #
# possible configuration options. #
# #
# It is good practice to not specify user name and password of the database
# connection in this global Settings.yaml file. Rather specify them in the
# settings of the respective context (Production / Development ...).
host: '' # adjust to your database host
# You might need to uncomment the following lines and specify
# the location of the PHP binary manually.
# core:
phpBinaryPathAndFilename: '/usr/local/php56'
Die Meldung kommt allerdings immer noch:
Environment requirements not fulfilled
The specified path to your PHP binary (see Configuration/Settings.yaml) is incorrect. (More information)