Book more Ram for VPS 3000 G10

  • Hello everybody,

    as i only found very old information in the forum from 2014 (--> ram-upgrades more expensive than the "better" servers), i thought i could just ask if anything changed regarding ram-upgrades: i'm considering a VPS 3000 G10 as everything is sufficient for my needs, except Ram. Is it possible to upgrade that to 32GB?

    I hope anybody has recent information on that :)

  • netcup does not offer just a ram upgrade. They often say, that the prices are just this cheap because they sell a predefined set of ram, cpu and ssd. You should be able to upgrade to the next larger VPS, I think a VPS 4000 G10, in the customercontrolpanel. An upgrade of just ram is not possible in my experience and I have never read of such an upgrade in the forum.

  • Individual upgrades of ressources is not possible. Not in the order process and not afterwards.

    There are regular special offers on netcup Sonderangebote ( , which are kind of the same servers, but with more cpu cores, ssd and ram at a better price - but often with long(er) minimal contract times (6-12 months).

    You can also find some older offers on Biete - netcup Kundenforum or ask for a certain type of server on Suche - netcup Kundenforum .

    RS Ostern L OST22 (~RS "3000" G9.5) (8C,24GB,960GB) | RS Cyber Quack (1C,2GB,40GB)