IPv6 auf OVZ einrichten?

  • Currently trying to setup a "IPv6 only" OVZ on my KVM node but encountering some difficulties :(

    What I have done so far:

    1) Setup Virtualizor (OpenVZ Master) on Ubuntu 14.xx as I am more familiar with Ubuntu rather than CentOS.

    2)Added an IPv6 Pool in Virtualizor and generated 2 IPv6 adresses from Virtualizor interface using my assigned gateway and prefix /64

    3) I've added one (to test) of the generated adresses to /etc/network/interfaces using the following scheme:

    iface eth0 inet6 static

       address xxxx:xxxx:xx:xxx:x:x:xxxx:xxxx
       netmask 64
       gateway xxxx::x

    4) I've restarted the node

    5) I've tested ping6 ipv6.google.com from host node and it worked fine.

    6) I tried connecting to the OVZ with IPv6 but it would only work until I was prompted for pw and then I would get an "access denied".

    7) I entered from host node using "vzctl enter ctid" and checked if somehow PermitRootLogin was disabled but it wasn't. I tried ipv6 ping from ovz but it wouldnt work. I run "apt-get update" and it wouldnt work either. OVZ container does not seem to be connected to the internet :/

    8) cat /etc/network/interfaces of OVZ container gives me:

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback

    Auto generated venet0 interface

    auto venet0
    iface venet0 inet manual

        up ifconfig venet0 up
        up ifconfig venet0
        up route add default dev venet0
        down route del default dev venet0
        down ifconfig venet0 down
    iface venet0 inet6 manual

        up ifconfig venet0 add ipv6/128
        down ifconfig venet0 del ipv6/128
        up route -A inet6 add default dev venet0
        down route -A inet6 del default dev venet0

    9) Checked iptables. Nothing there either.

    Any ideas?