Unidentified network

  • Hello,

    it's been a few days that the internet connection from my windows 2019 server no longer works.

    I then tried to manually enter IPv4, SubnetMask, Gateway and DNS looking at the "network" section from my scp but nothing, the situation would seem not to change. I've tried everything: reset the server, searched online tutorials, but nothing.

    I ask for your help !!!

  • Could you post a screenshot of your current IP settings?

    RS Brezn | VPS 500 G8 Plus | 2× VPS Karneval 2020 | VPS Pocket Admin | RS Cyber Quack | VPS 500 ARM

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  • Looks good to me. Have you tried to switch the network driver in the SCP?

    I‘ve had some problems with e1000 (looks like you‘re using this), too. Since I switched to virtio I have no problems anymore.

    Of course you have to install the drive for virtio.

    RS Brezn | VPS 500 G8 Plus | 2× VPS Karneval 2020 | VPS Pocket Admin | RS Cyber Quack | VPS 500 ARM

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  • Have you tried booting the rescue system? If you don't have internet there either, you should contact support.

    Also have you checked the abuse notifications? Maybe your internet connection was disabled on purpose and you missed the email about it.

    RS Brezn | VPS 500 G8 Plus | 2× VPS Karneval 2020 | VPS Pocket Admin | RS Cyber Quack | VPS 500 ARM

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