Beiträge von Brtrnd

    Hi all

    I have a domain with Netcup, and I host some small services on my local nas. This works as intended, the NAS handles dynamic dns; and I have setup portforwarding on port80 for my letsencrypt cert.

    Sadly everything is behind my belgian ISP router; so I have a mandatory firewall.

    Now I'd like a secondary machine on my network; that also needs a letsencrypt certificate. I'm not sure on how to proceed with this:

    port 80 for my main domain is used by my NAS; I've setup portforwarding in my ISP router: everything is forwarded to the IP of my NAS.

    I thought I could solve it with a dns txt record, but I'm not sure why but it doesn't get saved properly: I go into dns settings of my root domain '' and add a record '' and as value the code returned by certbot.

    But when I do a nslookup -type=TXT I get no result, I also don't get a result with

    does someone know what can be the reason it doesn't work as I expect?

    There's nothing running at at the moment: I'm just trying to run the installscript and blocked at this step.