Beiträge von flipwalls

    Background story: There were many users with pure interests in shady crypto activities, a system called "Flux". Afaik they ordered so many systems, that netcup was forced to (temporarily) double their prices and implement a new verification process to handle the increased demand for virtual servers. Some of the interested parties tried to bypass this restrictions by using the marketplace at the forums. There were many Chinese posts in the last few months…

    I think the 北京烤鸭 (Beijing Duck) part was just a joke, because Duck ("Ente" in German) is a running gag at the forums. As you can see at the avatars of some active users, we all love ducks. I'd call it the community mascot. There's also a dedicated "duck" reaction at the bottom of all posts. ^^

    Most of the time we are a very friendly community, even if your first impression might be different. :)

    Thank you very much for your answer, I just use the server I acquired for the website, I take back my wrong remarks, I hope everyone will take care of it!forgive my bad english,,I LOVE ...

    In fact, Netcup has a long-standing reputation in China,Chinese webmasters often use money far exceeding the value of Netcup servers to buy other people's servers.I still don't understand why some users are so hostile to me,Just because I'm from a country with a prolific "北京烤鸭"?

    Please forgive me if I do something wrong,Goodnight everybody

    Sorry, please understand that I don't speak English,I would love to buy a server at a discount,This is why I reply to every post on the forum that might transfer servers。I noticed that some friends are not very friendly towards Chinese,it makes me very sad,As far as I know, many Chinese users buy servers for down upload PT,I hate this kind of behavior!Because it's very unfair to other users on the same server!For questioning my avatar,I don't quite understand, is this also a joke? Isn't this racism?

    In fact, Netcup has a long-standing reputation in China,Chinese webmasters often use money far exceeding the value of Netcup servers to buy other people's servers.I still don't understand why some users are so hostile to me,Just because I'm from a country with a prolific "北京烤鸭"?

    the User flipwall has already been banned for the reason that he is only involved in the swap exchange. However, he did nothing wrong and since this doesn't break any rule, he remains existing as a normal user. Of course, we prefer it if you flipwalls participate in other threads as well.

    Sorry, please understand that I don't speak English,I would love to buy a server at a discount,This is why I reply to every post on the forum that might transfer servers。I noticed that some friends are not very friendly towards Chinese,it makes me very sad,As far as I know, many Chinese users buy servers for down upload PT,I hate this kind of behavior!Because it's very unfair to other users on the same server!For questioning my avatar,I don't quite understand, is this also a joke? sorry