Create Domain API

  • Hello,

    I am having some issues to create domain through API.

    Almost all the endpoints works, but I am facing issue in createDomain endpoint.

    When I send the data it returns this error

    The registration of this domain failed. Because of the error: The domain is not being handled by name server The name server specified cannot be entered until it is handling the domain.

    But it doesn't make much sense for me. I trying to buy a new domain, but since it is new how it should have a name server?
    Anyway, I do have a name server to one of my servers, but still returns error:
    This is the data I am sending

    The handle_id is my main handle_id that I have on Netcup. The name server is a real one and the IP as well.

    But, about the requirement of having a namserver. Why it is an obligatory this field?
    My company is setting a new service to the clients to buy domains, and as the logic is, first we should be able to buy a domain and then later we could configure the name server. We don't know which server the domain is going to link when a client is only buying it for the first time.
    How can we handle this situation?

    Best regards,

    Davi Leichsenring

  • But it doesn't make much sense for me. I trying to buy a new domain, but since it is new how it should have a name server?

    As a domain reseller you need a DNS server that resolves the domain, before it is registered.

    The name server is a real one and the IP as well.

    The IP is only necessary, when the Nameserver is in the same Zone, as the Domain itself (Glue Records)

    In your case it is not necessary.

    You could also check the denic predeligation check.

    My company is setting a new service to the clients to buy domains, and as the logic is, first we should be able to buy a domain and then later we could configure the name server. We don't know which server the domain is going to link when a client is only buying it for the first time.

    Just connect the Domain to three records:

    SOA Record, two NS Records and a A record pointing to

    Then you can select a server later.

  • Thanks for the answer

    Right, but I am bit confuse about the documentation and name servers, as is:…endpoint.php#createDomain

    To create a domain, it requires only name servers, with 3 variable, hostname as "ns.", IP4 and IP6, so since I have a functional dns and IP, I set as it is request.

    • Nameserverentries nameservers
      object of nameservers. Please define as object in format for example: $nameservers = new Nameserverentries(); $nameserverentry1 = new Nameserverentry(); $nameserverentry1->hostname = ""; $nameserverentry1->ipv4 = ""; $nameserverentry1->ipv6 = "123:0000:4:5600::8"; $nameservers->nameserver1 = $nameserverentry1; $nameserverentry2 = new Nameserverentry(); $nameserverentry2->hostname = ""; $nameserverentry2->ipv4 = ""; $nameserverentry2->ipv6 = "123:0000:4:5600::7"; $nameservers->nameserver2 = $nameserverentry2;

    At moment I can't setup the Dns records.

    So, technically I am sending correct the data as document says, but I am unable to create a domain. I tried to send without IP and still returns same error.