order rejection problem request urgent help

  • when I place an order, the following mail comes when the order is cancelled how can I solve this problem

    Thank you for your order.

    Our verification provider has rejected your evidence. For data protection reasons we have to reject your order as we do not have access to your stored data.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  • Try opening a ticket with Netcup and explain everything to them when you get a response. Otherwise, you can look into getting support through the verification provider, Stripe. I have the same issue ongoing, but if I am able to resolve it I'll let you know.

  • Netcup ile bir bilet açmayı deneyin ve bir yanıt aldığınızda her şeyi onlara açıklayın. Aksi takdirde, doğrulama sağlayıcısı Stripe aracılığıyla destek almayı düşünebilirsiniz. Aynı sorun bende de devam ediyor, ancak çözebilirsem size bildireceğim.

    waiting for your reply thank you

  • Hey, same thing happened to me at Black Friday deals. I've opened multiple tickets and tried to reach out to the support. In the end my account was deleted and couldn't get any response. Today I tried to make purchase again, I asked customer support to create a new account and after that I was able to verify by making payment in advance. I made the payment and now waiting for my VPS to show up on my account. I hope this will help you.

  • waiting for your reply thank you

    I ended up with the same solution as faemeister where after verification fails all you can do is order through a new account and choose to pay in advance when at the verification stage. There is nothing can do with your existing account that asking Netcup to delete it for you. If you have any other questions or answers just let me know, and hopefully this helps!

  • I ended up with the same solution as faemeister where after verification fails all you can do is order through a new account and choose to pay in advance when at the verification stage. There is nothing can do with your existing account that asking Netcup to delete it for you. If you have any other questions or answers just let me know, and hopefully this helps!

    when I opened a new account, I received an e-mail saying to order from the existing account, in this context, I guess I request the deletion of the existing account, how to create a prepayment

  • Farklı bir e-posta kullanarak yeni bir hesapla yeni bir sipariş vermelisiniz. Mevcut hesabınızı, ilişkili hesap silinene kadar kullanamazsınız.

    the new account will have the same name and surname will not be a problem because the existing account is not deleted

  • Even if they have the same name it is fine, I did the same thing. The only thing that needs to be different is the email associated with the account as that's what differentiates it.

  • Even if they have the same name it is fine, I did the same thing. The only thing that needs to be different is the email associated with the account as that's what differentiates it.

    when I order with a new email it says order from existing account, how do I prepay when ordering

    Even if they have the same name it is fine, I did the same thing. The only thing that needs to be different is the email associated with the account as that's what differentiates it.

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