We have to reject your order

  • netcup wird sich wohl, bei von stripe abgelehnten Kunden, dort nicht weiter nachhaken.

    Die haben stripe ja gerade deshalb dazwischengeschaltet, um sich nicht mehr selbst um die Verifikation kümmern zu müssen.

    Wenn sie jetzt bei jeder Ablehnung nachprüfen, woran es liegt, haben sie ja nicht viel gewonnen.

  • netcup wird sich wohl, bei von stripe abgelehnten Kunden, dort nicht weiter nachhaken.

    Die haben stripe ja gerade deshalb dazwischengeschaltet, um sich nicht mehr selbst um die Verifikation kümmern zu müssen.

    Wenn sie jetzt bei jeder Ablehnung nachprüfen, woran es liegt, haben sie ja nicht viel gewonnen.

    Klar, dafür dürfte netcup schlicht das Personal fehlen, schon gar bei einer Aktion, die in Übersee derartige Wellen schlägt. Muss man ja noch froh sein, dass es zur Zeit an der Hardware für ARM-Server zu fehlen scheint. Sonst wäre der Andrang womöglich noch größer geworden.

  • ...die in Übersee derartige Wellen schlägt...

    Würde erklären wieso mein USA Webspace noch nicht aktiv ist... hat netcup eigentlich noch ein "Serviceteam" in den USA oder machen die alles zu den deutschen Supportzeiten?

  • Wenn man Stripe Glauben schenkt, dann sind nach den Gesetzen der Logik alle abgelehnten Kunden keine "legitime Kundschaft". Immerhin heißt es dort


    Durch Radar wird i.d.R. die Kartenakzeptanz bei Zahlungsvorgängen erhöht, und nicht vermehrt abgelehnt, weil man gerade die üblich auftretenden Grenzfälle besser erkennt. Im Prinzip basiert das auf 3DSecureV2 und läßt irgendwas mit KI über die anfallenden Daten laufen. Wir haben bisher jedenfalls positive Erfahrungen mit Stripe als Zahlungsanbieter gemacht.

    »Hauptsache BogoMIPS!«


    »Sämtliche Cyberrisikomanagementmaßnahmen wurden übererfüllt!«

    Edited once, last by Olivetti ().

  • Stripe rejected my document. Official document issued by the Brazilian government.

    The funniest thing is that I used the same email I sell on Stripe. I'm a seller on Stripe with a verified and rejected account. This system is crazy. I opened a ticket with technical support explaining the situation. Now every time I place a new order, the option to pay with Paypal appears.

    Fortunately they solved the problem for me. I hope others have success too. Netcup products are too good to be used only by German customers :D

    My peace returned after I migrated from a famous company to Netcup. 8)

  • Same here, did you get any message from support?

    I still haven't gotten any word back since Thursday, but with the high volume of orders due to the aforementioned holidays I will wait a few more days and hopefully the support team with get in contact with me.

    ...I opened a ticket with technical support explaining the situation...Fortunately they solved the problem for me. I hope others have success too.

    Did you open a ticket with Stripe or Netcup?

  • I still haven't gotten any word back since Thursday, but with the high volume of orders due to the aforementioned holidays I will wait a few more days and hopefully the support team with get in contact with me.

    Did you open a ticket with Stripe or Netcup?


    I explained the situation.

    Then they resolve every order I make, they generate the invoice.

    After I pay via Paypal, they release the order.

  • I my case netcup closed my order due to security reason (wtf?).

    And they suggested me to create a new email and make a new order.

    At the same time Stripe is waiting for request from netcup to check my issue.

    It's so stupid situation, I'm shocked.

  • I my case netcup closed my order due to security reason (wtf?).

    And they suggested me to create a new email and make a new order.

    At the same time Stripe is waiting for request from netcup to check my issue.

    It's so stupid situation, I'm shocked.

    Well at least you have received a response. I have opened 2 tickets, 1 via replying to my email verification rejections and 1 through their contact page on the website. Radio silence. Hoping later today or tomorrow I can get anything so I can clear things up like bfranco was able to do.

  • Netcup answered:


    We ask for your understanding that for security reasons (the data protection of our customers as well as our protection against order fraud) we have to reject orders that are not verified by Stripe.

    For the same reasons, verification cannot be started again after rejection by Stripe.

    I didn't expect so low quality of netcup service. I haven't seen so incompetent support.

    How my email may harm customers' data and perform order frauding?

    Now I'm not sure netcup is reliable and stable service if they cannot handle so simple case, and even don't have competent people in customer support..

    ...or I'm talking to a low quality chatbot.

  • I my case netcup closed my order due to security reason (wtf?).

    And they suggested me to create a new email and make a new order.

    At the same time Stripe is waiting for request from netcup to check my issue.

    It's so stupid situation, I'm shocked.

    Hey, as I mentioned my order was cancelled as well and my netcup account was disabled after the verification process failure . 2 hours ago customer support reached out to me and created new account(I tried to create new order today so idk maybe it's because of that), I was able to verify myself by making payment in advance. I've made the payment and now waiting for them to add VPS to my products page. I hope they solve it for everyone who's having this issue.

  • Hm I activated the Account through stripe and the service was activated directly.

    I uploaded the ID Card Photos from both sites then it said successfully verified and after a minute the NetCup E-Mail said Account verified and product activated.

    Don't know why that is not working for you.

  • Yesterday morning I had received confirmation that “we cannot set your order up because your verification was not successful we are also unable to resend you the verification email.

    Please order again as a new customer on our website.

    You are also welcome to select prepayment during verification, which means you will receive the first invoice for your order directly and we can set up your product as soon as this has been paid.”

    So bearing that in mind I did such and everything worked perfectly when paying in advance. I also asked for old account to be deleted that way I eventually can reuse the email on the new account. I don’t know why Stripe may reject perfectly legitimate identification but that’s behind me now. Everything seems to be working wonderfully as I got the sever details and am working on transferring my domain.

    TL;DR Like faemeister also mentioned, if verification fails your best bet is to order again with a new account, and to prevent this issue just prepay instead.

  • So, I've created a new order using an extra dot in my primary email and used preorder instead of identity verification and now it works.

    But it's unclear: in the email netcup asks exactly identity verification, no any information, that preorder can be used instead.

    Couple words more in the email may make user experience better.

    Now I'm asking to remove my old account and unlink it from the forum. I hope I'll be able to edit my email.

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