Question about root-server traffic

  • Hello to all,

    I have a question about Root-Servers offers

    It says on the webpage:

    "No additional fees are charged for traffic to and from your server. On average, 1 Gbps bandwidth is available at least, assuming the root server disposes of a 2.5 Gbps network interface card. If more than 120 TB traffic is used within a month and, in addition, if more than 1 Gbps bandwidth is continuously used over a period of more than 60 minutes on average, the network connection of the root server can be limited to a minimum of 200 Mbps so that other customers do not have any disadvantages."

    I contacted support team but they didn't fully clarify that for me.

    So by that paragraph we can conclude that,

    After the usage of 120TB , if 1Gbps is continuously used over 60 minutes the bandwidth will be throttled?

    (both conditions should be met?)

    or I'm wrong and

    either the usage of 120TB of traffic


    1Gbps is continuously used over 60 minutes

    can cause the bandwidth to be throttled?


    Also by 120TB it means only egress traffic , or egress + ingress traffic together?

    And by the " is continuously used over a period of more than 60 minutes on average" it means that 60 minutes in all the month? or 60 minutes straight ?

    Thank you for time and effort in helping the community!

  • These are seperate Limits.

    After a usage of 120TB of traffic in total (egress+ingress) your bandwidth is limited until the end of that month.

    After an average bandwidth usage of 1Gbps (or more) over a period of 60 minutes your traffic is limited (iirc for 60mins).

  • Doesn't that "and in addition" mean that both criteria should be met in order for the server to be throttled?

    Because if they wanted to say these conditions are separate, they could simply use "or"

  • Doesn't that "and in addition" mean that both criteria should be met in order for the server to be throttled?

    Because if they wanted to say these conditions are separate, they could simply use "or"

    You're right, the German wording suggests the same (both criteria should be met) – there's no way to read this differently in either language: "Für Traffic von und zu Ihrem Server fallen keine Kosten an. Im Durchschnitt steht Ihnen eine Bandbreite von mindestens 1 Gbit/s zur Verfügung, vorausgesetzt der Root-Server verfügt über eine 2,5 Gbit/s Netzwerkkarte. Werden innerhalb eines Monats mehr als 120 TB Traffic verbraucht und zusätzlich durchgehend über einen Zeitraum von mehr als 60 Minuten durchschnittlich mehr als 1 Gbit/s Bandbreite belegt, kann die Netzwerkanbindung des Server auf minimal 200 Mbit/s limitiert werden, damit anderen Kunden kein Nachteil entsteht."

    Moderators : Could you please confirm that this is indeed the case?

    VServer IOPS Comparison Sheet:

    Edited once, last by m_ueberall ().

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  • It would be weird if 1Gbps for more than an hour caused throttling before the 120TB monthly allowance is exceeded, because a similar condition does not exist for the cheaper "vserver" product line. There it's "exceed 80TB and be throttled", no ifs and buts.

  • I can tell from experience that bandwidth is throttled after 120 TB traffic even if the server never used more than 1 Gbps. Unfortunately the wording in the current product description is misleading.

  • I can tell from experience that bandwidth is throttled after 120 TB traffic even if the server never used more than 1 Gbps. Unfortunately the wording in the current product description is misleading.

    Unfortunately correct - I was caught out by this in January and I wrote to support because I also read the "UND ZUSÄTZLICH" - it is really incomprehensible why the wording is not changed.

  • Out of curiosity: What are your usecases that make you reach 120 TB or more in one month? I guess your server only has a few GB of disk space, so how are you reaching hundreds of terabytes of data transfer in one month?

    To set the number into some relation: 120 TB a month mathematically means a bandwidth usage of 500 MBit/s on average 24/7

  • Out of curiosity: What are your usecases that make you reach 120 TB or more in one month? I guess your server only has a few GB of disk space, so how are you reaching hundreds of terabytes of data transfer in one month?

    To set the number into some relation: 120 TB a month mathematically means a bandwidth usage of 500 MBit/s on average 24/7

    As a seedbox I guess?

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