a domain for my server

  • I can't speak German.

    I should have considered this before ordering a netcup product, I probably made a mistake

    Anyway I have a server now.

    It's a VPS 200 G8

    It works, I can login in my panels, I can login via ssh as the root user. So far, so good

    I didn't order a domain name together with the server.

    Can I do it now ?

    How ?

    Is it included or shall I pay for that ?

    These may be naive questions, I apologize.

    The site is mainly in german ?(

    Thanks in advance

  • You can order a domain here: https://www.netcup.eu/bestellen/domainangebote.php - international website is .eu :) And yes, you have to pay extra for it.

    However there are domains included in the webhosting packages.

    I notice that only now, on the english language page of nc, also german path information in the URL are used

    The site is mainly in german

    Basic things are in german and english, but special offer and Wiki at the time exclusively in German. And there are price differences between netcup.eu and netcup.de, as mentioned by Hecke29. But not with all products. Also, prices may vary depending on your country of residence.

    Another note: If you are not satisfied or you have changed your mind, you have a money back guarantee at netcup within 30 days. Of course you are entitled to the German right of withdrawal. But I do not know if this also applies to customers abroad.

  • thank you !

    The .eu site is way better ! :)

    So, some domains are included with hwebhosting packages. Ok

    I have a webhosting package, have I ?

    Sorry, I am confused ?(

  • No problem. No, you have a server. Servers have no inclusive domains. You can however order as many as you want.

  • However, if you still book a web hosting package, you can also take the domains contained there for the server. If you still have domains somewhere else, you can also use them for the server.