How to asign vServer IP to Domain, both from Netcup

  • Hi to everyone,

    Sorry for this message being in English, unfortunately I do not speak any German.

    I recently got a Netcup virtual server (VPS 2000 G9) and also a domain. Now I would like assign this domain to my vServer.
    I already did something but not to sure if that was sufficient or even the correct thing.

    This was what I did:
    On I went to "Products", "rDNS" and in "Hostname" I added the domain address that I acquire at Netcup.
    In the same platform under "Domain", "DNS" and "SSL proxy" I don't know if I need to do anything there.

    This server is meant for a Nextcloud instance and in there I'll set up a cronjob in order to renovate the SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt. I'm following the howto page, also in German, in here:

    I'm now stuck in point 5 of this howto where I need to run: --issue -d --keylength 4096 -w /var/www/letsencrypt --key-file /etc/letsencrypt/rsa-certs/privkey.pem --ca-file /etc/letsencrypt/rsa-certs/chain.pem --cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/rsa-certs/cert.pem --fullchain-file /etc/letsencrypt/rsa-certs/fullchain.pem



    [Wed 06 Jan 2021 01:07:13 PM CET] error:Invalid response from []:

    And the the is the default IP from Netcup when you buy a new domain and not the IP from my VServer. So I need to change that. Any clue if what I did is sufficient and the correct thing?

    Thank you and sorry for the long email.

    Happy new year!


  • This was what I did:

    On I went to "Products", "rDNS" and in "Hostname" I added the domain address that I acquire at Netcup.
    In the same platform under "Domain", "DNS" and "SSL proxy" I don't know if I need to do anything there.

    And the the is the default IP from Netcup when you buy a new domain and not the IP from my VServer. So I need to change that. Any clue if what I did is sufficient and the correct thing?

    Dear Eloi, Welcome to the forum (and new year)!

    Do you have any idea what rDNS and securing vServer means?

    In DNS set the A record for your domain/host to IP from vServer.

    Please have a look at Hardening - without securing your infrastructure it could be compromised/abused (and you are responsible)

  • On I went to "Products", "rDNS" and in "Hostname" I added the domain address that I acquire at Netcup.

    In the same platform under "Domain", "DNS" and "SSL proxy" I don't know if I need to do anything there.

    Have a look at the machine-translated page from the Netcup wiki; the first two "Examples of valid records" should help you out. @ refers to your domain name ("") while * refers to all direct subdomains. If you only use a single/very few specific subdomain(s) ("w­w­w­", ""), you can enter the names directly (without the .domain suffix, e.g. only "www", "nextcloud"). As explained, if you want to use IPv6, you also need "AAAA" records.

    VServer IOPS Comparison Sheet:

  • Thanks for the quick reply charmin.armin and m_ueberall.

    I'm going to have a look into the docs and do some testing.

