Can't login after installing almalinux 9

  • After I install "AlmaLinux-9-GenericCloud-9.4-20240805.aarch64.qcow2" from images section i come across with localhost login section. In the username area i tried to enter root, netcup, almalinux, ec2-user cloud-user. And in password section i tried the new password in the email you get after installation, i tried my first ever password i get in the first email after purchase, i tried my scp password etc. Nothing worked. Did anyone face the same issue and how did you guys fix?

    My package: VPS 1000 ARM G11 iv SE VIE SPS24

    Media name: AlmaLinux-9-GenericCloud-9.4-20240805.aarch64.qcow2

  • I had some troubles during my first experiences with a VPS as well. Password didn't work. Long story short, the user should be root - and try to type the password as username first, just to see what you actually type. In my case the problem was the language setting in Settings->VNC Keyboard Layout. German keyboard, VNC Keyboard Layout en-us. Guess what happened with z and y in the password.

  • The way to go ist using cloudinit to deploy a user/passwd or ssh-Key on first boot.…-on-local.html#cloud-init

    The steps I took are exactly like below:
    Uploading qcow2 file to custom image upload section -> Select qcow2 file from custom images area tick send e-mail to me and entering scp password -> then it automatically redirects me to vnc console after installation.

    In vnc console after installation first thing i see is vnc asking me for login username and password. There's no command line or anything.

  • see provided Link above: You find 2 possible solutions.

    1) Providing a cdrom.iso with the cloud-init config.

    (first-boot with the mounted iso-Image to provide the cloud-init config)

    2) modify your qcow-Image to include the cloud-init config files.

    Unless you provide a valid cloud-init config on first-boot, there will be no login possible.