Can't connect in ssh

  • Good evening, sorry to be so boring but I've tried everything, yesterday they restored my server to give me my old files, they switched me to Linux because under Windows I have an error and I'm afraid of losing my files so I'm in "rescue mode", I can mount to recover my old partition, except that when I try to connect with ssh to transfer files from my root server to my pc I can't, I tried :

    ssh -p 443 -D8080 -N root@IPADRESSOFMYSERVER

    When I enter the right password, nothing happens.

    I've opened my ports in my sshd_config, and I've set 20, 80 and 443, but nothing happens.

    Thanks in advance

  • Hello,

    just to clear some things up: the inital connection works with your ssh settings? ssh -p 443 -D8080 -N root@IPADRESSOFMYSERVER

    Can you post a screenshot (with blurred sensitive information) of your terminal?