Server Space Full, Can't Install new storagespace purchased

  • I have read from some sources that there is a reserved space equal to half of the RAM in the memory which I feel is what is occupying part of the memory.

    I guess you mean swap space? You can test for it with swapon or cat /proc/swaps.

    To see which directories occupy most of your storage you can also execute du -h / | sort -h. Depending on your system it could take a while and you should execute it as root, otherwise you will see tons of errors.

    I have no idea when it comes to Docker but... if you say your whole storage is gone after installing that one docker container, can't you free up some space in the container itself?

    If df -h shows the 879M available, I'm pretty sure you should be able to install the NFS package.

  • The docker was installed last year December and it has grown to consume almost 34G. Originally after installation then the container size was 1.6GB. Other system applications not installed by me took the remaining space.

    I have viewed the swapfile and it has 1024M OB used.

    • Hilfreichste Antwort

    The docker logs can grow quite a lot if not set in an /etc/docker/daemon.json file. Their (standard) path is:


    So have a look there and delete files which are too big / too many.

    Because I do not want the docker logs to grow indefinitely AND because I don't want docker to reside in a sub-sub-directory, I set as /etc/docker/daemon.json:

    "data-root": "/docker/", 
      "log-driver": "json-file", 
      "log-opts": { 
        "max-size": "10m", 
        "max-file": "3" 

    The log-opts part set the max size of the logs. You should probably not use the data-root part, as you would need to stop the daelmon, move everything from /var/lib/docker to /docker and then start again. But the rest is usable.

    40GB is really not much space. I would suggest a bigger VPS or RS. If you bought storage space, you need to mount that space before you can use it:

    You will probably still need to move your docker folder (if you have used volumes) to the NFS mount, so my daemon.json including the data-root part might still be useful for you. I would however highly recommend getting a bigger VPS or RS instead.

    RS Ostern L OST22 (~RS "3000" G9.5) (8C,24GB,960GB) | RS Cyber Quack (1C,2GB,40GB)

    Gefällt mir 2
  • I have completed the count. However, I am not sure where I can to see the new space as the server home space says currently attached not available. I have rebooted the server and it's not still available.

    Thanks again for your helpimage12.PNG

    mount -t nfs STORAGEHOST:/STORAGEPFAD /mnt/storagespace
    Use my storage details here for clarity
  • Thanks. Maybe I think that is what I would do.

  • I have completed the count. However, I am not sure where I can to see the new space as the server home space says currently attached not available. I have rebooted the server and it's not still available. […]

    mount -t nfs STORAGEHOST:/STORAGEPFAD /mnt/storagespace

    You wouldn't see this where you expected it to show up as the cell in question refers to the boot media (i.e., the disk/dvd image you select in the "Media" tab):


    If the above mount command succeeds, df /mnt/storagespace should tell you the amount of used/available space. (And at a later point in time, you might want to add an entry in /etc/fstab to mount this automatically at boot time.)

    VServer IOPS Comparison Sheet:

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von m_ueberall ()

  • gozzynes

    Hat einen Beitrag als hilfreichste Antwort ausgewählt.
  • Thanks. Maybe I think that is what I would do.

    Have you looked at


    if there are logs which use up too much space? If you haven't set a max log size, those logs can grow and grow.

    RS Ostern L OST22 (~RS "3000" G9.5) (8C,24GB,960GB) | RS Cyber Quack (1C,2GB,40GB)